
Showing posts from June, 2024

New beginning

Hi, welcome to my blog. Today is day 29/365 of blogging everyday for a year. If you're new, welcome. And welcome back to the regulars. Today marks a new beginning for me. I finally cut my hair today. I am really happy. I look so beautiful. I feel a transformation. I feel that God has begun some work in me and this day is the beginning. There are many ways to have a new beginning. Today in the Gospel of Grace ministry group we were having a discussion about letting go and making room for new things to come into your space and your heart.  A new beginning doesn't have to be a huge thing, just letting of something that no longer serves you and make room for more, maybe even better things in your life. Today I let go of my huge afro hair, for a clean fresh start. What do you think you have to let go of ? Remember to engage, follow, share, and watch out for my next post... I love you, and Jesus loves you more

Heaven rejoice

Hi, welcome to my blog. Today is day 28/365 of blogging everyday for a year. If you're new, welcome. And welcome back to the regulars. Today is a day where the phrase "All things work out for those who love the Lord" was in practice. Today I had to go to the bank to sort out a few things. When I arrived at the bank, it was closed. I had forgotten that banks usually close earlier on Fridays. I thought I had wasted my time on this trip. But God had a different plan in mind. On the bus, I met this gentleman by the name of Charles. Charles and I met on the bus and started talking. He told me about his traumatic childhood and I was there to assure him that Jesus loves him. I won't get into further details about my conversation with Charles, but I do want to encourage you that, everytime you get a chance to tell people about God, don't miss it. I am proud of the feeling that I may have saved a soul today, heaven is rejoicing. I thought of something when I got home. Heal

Jesus loves you

Hi, welcome to my blog. Today is day 27/365 of blogging everyday for a year. If you're new, welcome. And welcome back to the regulars. Today is a clocking in blog entry. It's currently 10 minutes to midnight. I just wanted to clock in and tell you that Jesus loves you, and he wants you to cast all your burdens unto him because he cares. Nothing is too big or too small to bring to Jesus. Remember to engage, follow, share, and watch out for my next post... I love you, and Jesus loves you more.

Test yourself

Hi, welcome to my blog. Today day 26/365 of blogging everyday for a year. If you're new, welcome. And welcome back to the regulars. Today was an amazing day, I went to church and it was on fire.  There is one particular scripture that stood out to me that I would to share it with you. The scripture is from 2 Corinthians 13:5 " Examine yourself, to see whether you are in faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Christ Jesus is in you ? Unless indeed you fail to meet the test!" Does your life show that Jesus Christ lives in you. Do you have faith? According to Hebrews 11:1, Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Do you live life knowing that God has everything covered ? Have you casted all your burdens to Him yet ? Think about this, and remember to engage, follow, share, and watch out for my next post... I love you, and Jesus loves you more.


Hi, welcome to my blog. Today is day 25/365 of blogging everyday for a year. If you're new, welcome. And welcome back to the regulars. I would first like to send a S/O to my brother, it's his birthday today. Let's get into it.  Today was quite a busy day for me. I spent most of my day in the kitchen. In the evening I had some time with the Lord to dissect and feast on the revelation I had during the day. It's is about truth. The world tells us that the truth hurts, but here's here's what the bible says about that, John 8:31-22 " [31]So Jesus said to the Jews who believed him, 'if you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, [32] and you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free'."   We will know the truth and obtain freedom if we abide in his word and become his disciples, worshipping him in truth and in spirit. The bible says in John 14:6 "Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Fa


Hi welcome to my blog. Today is day 24/365 of blogging everyday for a year. If you're new, welcome. And welcome back to the regulars. I feel like a huge knot has been untangled in my throat. The day of my exam has finally arrived. I'm sure you're wondering what type of exam it is, the exam that had me so worked up. It was my only major exam this semester. I know I am going to have many more exams in my life, and I have to cope better under the pressure. It's 20 minutes before midnight, and I would like to share a quick reminder with you about God. He loves you, never ever forget that. No sin is too big or too small to God. Cast your burdens unto Him, for he cares for you. Remember to engage, follow, share, and watch out for my next post... I love you, and Jesus loves you more.


Hi welcome to my blog. Today is day 23/365 of blogging everyday for a year. If you're new, welcome. And welcome back to the regulars. I almost forgot to blog. Exam pressure is hectic, but only a few more hours to go, and I will be back to my usual blogging mode. For now, stay safe, I love you. Remember to engage, follow, share, and watch out for my next post... I love you, and Jesus loves you more.

Seek first the kingdom of God

Hi, welcome to my blog. Today is day 22/365 of blogging everyday for a year. If you're new, welcome. And welcome back to the regulars. Today is just a clocking in blog. Student life chronicles continue. Exam preparation has me on chokehold. But God is still good. Today I am reminded of Matthew 6:33 which says "But seek first the kingdom of God and all his righteousness, and all this shall be added unto you".  This reminds that in every attempt I make to better myself, I should not seek wordly validation, but always do things that bring me closer to God. I am also reminded to seek his heart and not his hand. Rejoice in him always even when the situation is unfavourable. Even though I am feeling the exam pressure, I still thank Him for this opportunity to study and be a qualified somebody.  Remember God in every situation, whether good or bad. And also remember to engage, follow, share, and watch out for my next post... I love you, and Jesus loves you.

Exam nerves

Hi, welcome to my blog. Today is day 21/365 of blogging everyday for a year. If you're new, welcome. And welcome back to the regulars. I have an exam in a few days and I am feeling a bit nervous. I am trusting that God continues to show grace and mercy on me, and I pray that I will ace that exam in Jesus name. That exam counts for a  whole 80% of my entire year mark. So I need to bring my A game and ace it. But by the grace of God, I will. I hope you are also trusting God to get you through tests and exams. Remember to engage, follow, share, and watch out for my next post... I love you, and Jesus loves you more.

Growth and change

Hi, welcome to my blog.Today is day 20/365 of blogging everyday for a year. If you're new, welcome. And welcome back to the regulars. Today I would like to express gratitude to God. 2 new members have been added to the Gospel of Grace ministry group and I think that is amazing. Glory be to God. The growth and development of the group is amazing. And God has been so good to us. There is an observation that I would like to share. I started this blog because I wanted to take my daily journaling from pen and paper to digital, where people can read and share my journey. As a person who has embarked on this journey to follow Christ, my journals should not always be about me, me and me, but instead about the Christ who lives in me. The serenity of this journey is overwhelmingly great. I am happier. They say that the more time you spend you send with people, the more you learn about them. But the more time you spend with the Lord is the more you will learn about yourself.  I want to enter

Bless the Lord O my soul

Hi, welcome to my blog. Today is day 19/365 of blogging everyday for a year. If you're new, welcome. And welcome back to the regulars. Today was karaoke night on the Gospel of Grace ministry group. The task was to choose any song or hym, sing it, and tell the group about how the song speaks to your spirit and how it brings you closer to God.  The song I chose is "Moya wa ka reta Morena" by Lebo Sekgobela. This is a translated version of Psalm 103 which reads as follows :"[1] Bless the Lord O my soul, and all that is withing me, bless his name![2] Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits" This song is a constant reminder to me to always sing praises to God and bless his holy name. The bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5;16: "Rejoice always". It reminds me to serve him with all of me and leave no part of me hidden in his face.  What song speaks to your spirit more than any other song ? Let me know in the comments. Remember to engage, follow

God loves you more than you know

Hi, welcome to my blog. Today is day 18/365 of blogging every day for a year. If you're new, welcome. And welcome back to the regulars. I am pleased to let you all know that my sister bought a new phone to replace the one that was stolen from her last week. Praise God for that.  I have officially concluded the whole armour of God biblical series. And I will be starting with a brand new series soon. That was amazing and eye-opening. God really has a way of working things out for the best.  I thank God for the opportunity and platform to share his word. I will be starting a YouTube channel soon. Please be on the lookout for more info. I don't have much to say. But I just want you to know that God loves you, and there is nothing that will ever separate us from the love of God. Remember to engage, follow, share, and watch out for my next post... I love you, and Jesus loves you more.

The whole armour of God part 5

 Hi, welcome to my blog. Today is day 17/365 of blogging everydy for a yer. I would first like to apologise for the length of the previous blog, I was running out of time. Today I am continiuing with the biblical series about the whole armour of God. I am still on point.6, sword of the spirit. The knowledge of God's word is our power against satan. Satan's greatest weapon, is man's ignorance of God's word. "The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy, I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly" - John 10:10. "For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war against the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds" - 2Corinthians 10:3-4. That si the second half of the previous blog. Dont mind the big line spacing, I am using my laptop today. Remember to engage, follow, share, and watch out for my next post... I love you, and Jesus loves you more

The whole armour of God part 4

Hi, welcome to my blog. Today is day 16/365 of blogging everyday for a year. Let me start by saying Happy Youth day to all the youth and Happy Father's day to all the fathers. Today I am continuing with the biblical series about the armour of God. 6. Sword of the spirit (the word of God) "For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword" ~ Hebrews 4:12. A sword is an edged, bladed weapon intended for manual cutting or thrusting, usually used in wars and battles. The word of God (Rhema) recorded int he bible is given to us as a weapon for active attack and defense as we face our Christian battles. Remember to engage follow share and watch out for my next post.... I love you and Jesus loves you more.

Jesus This Jesus That

Hi, welcome to my blog. This is day 15/365 of blogging everyday for a year. Before I start, I'd like to send a S/O to my niece on her birthday, she is turning 12 years old today. God is good. Today I attended a Jesus This Jesus That conference, and it would be an injustice to the kingdom of God not to share anything about it.  Jesus This Jesus That today   JTJT Limpopo edition Unfortunately, today was a long day, so we will continue with the series tomorrow. Please check out the video link above, trust me you'll be blessed. That's it for today. Remember to engage, follow, share, and watch out for my next post... I love you, and Jesus loves you more.

Due to unforseen circumstances...

Hi, welcome to my blog. Today is day 14 of blogging everyday for a year. I know I am supposed to be continuing the biblical series about the whole armour of God, but something came up. Let me give you a little context on what happened. My sister went to town today, and I was home alone, preparing notes for the series. Then I got a call from my mom saying that my sister has been mugged and they took her phone. I was shook, and heartbroken. I was worried about her the whole day and my mind could not concentrate on the preparation anymore. She came back home quite late, but when she did, I gave her a tight hug. You know you love someone very much when their pain becomes your pain, or sometimes you feel their pain more than they feel it themselves.  She is in good health though, just a little traumatised. I thank God that they did not take anything else valuable. I thank God that she is still alive. Even when the situation is unfavourable, we will continue to trust the Almighty God. Let us

The whole armour of God part 3

Hi, welcome to my blog. Today is day 13/365 of blogging everyday for a year. I have started a biblical series about the whole armour of God a few days ago. And today is part 3. Please check out the previous blogs if you haven't yet done so, this is a continuation. Let's get into it... 5. Helmet of Salvation Helmet— a form of protective gear worn to protect the head. Salvation— the deliverance of the soul from sin and it's consequences. When we put on our helmet of salvation, we put on Christ himself. Christ protects not just our heads but our beings from spiritual death. Spiritual meaning of putting on a helmet is to avoid sinful thoughts and understand what is good and true. #"The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear ? The Lord is the stronghold of my life, of who shall I be afraid?"~Psalms 27:1 Helmet of truth means : having a sober mind  #"Therefore, preparing your thoughts for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grac

The whole armour of God (continued)

Hi, welcome to my blog. This is day 12/365 of blogging everyday for a year. In the previous blog entry, I was talking about the whole armour of God. The armour that keeps us ever ready for battle. For the bible says that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against authorities, against the cosmic powers of this present darkness, against spiritual forces of evil in heavenly places.(Ephesians 6:12) In the previous blog entry, I have mentioned the first two pieces of armour as mention in the bible. You can check out the scripture in the bible for yourself, Ephesians 6:10-20.  3. Put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace as shoes for your feet. Having feet/shoes fitted with the gospel of peace allows us to be ready and prepared at all times.  Common misinterpretation/misrepresentation about the scripture ; "put on the gospel of peace as shoes on our armour", that is not right. The bible tells us that the gospel of peace is what will enable us

The whole armour of God

Hi, welcome to my blog. Today is day 11/365 of blogging everyday for a year. Today is Tuesday and you already know what Tuesday are for... weekly devotion.  The title for today's devotion is : The whole armour of God. The length of the voice note didn't allow me to say everything I had written down, but here on the blog, I will talk about everything that I wrote down today. Purpose of the armour: 1. To help us be strong on the Lord and in the strength of his might. 2. So we can be able to withstand the schemes of the devil. 3. To be able to withstand in the evil day. 4. To stand firm. Pieces and instructions of the the armour of God:  1. Fasten the belt of truth. A belt is an item of clothing that is variously used to secure or hold up clothing usually below the waistline. To fasten is to tighten something that is already in place.  A belt prevents trousers from sagging.  It preserves the dignity of the one wearing it.  You wrap the belt around your waist. In the context of the

Happy New Week

Hi, welcome to my blog. Today is day 10/365 of blogging everyday for a year. My life is so boring, I have no idea what I will be blogging about in the next 355 days, but please bear with me, because God is good.  Remember the things I said I am looking forward to in this new month ?, they're currently stagnant. But I have a small amount of hope that things wiI start moving. I haven't left the house since this month started. It's been quite a while since I stepped out of the house, the idea of it kinda scares me now.  I am dedicating more time to reading the Bible and spending time with God, and this 'boring' phase in my life is exactly what I need to focus on myself and my relationship with God. As I mentioned some time ago, I am taking a break from social media(Instagram, TikTok, Facebook), for some time. I have made an exception with YouTube, I will only allow myself 3 videos a week max. This break is going to help me reduce external voices and/or influence in my

Birthday Festivities

Hi, welcome to my blog. Today is day 9/365. It is my mom's birthday today. The festivities are done and dusted. Some people have to wake up early to go to school and others have to go to work. Today was such an emotional day for me.  The day went well, party was chilled, food was amazing, and dessert was the best part, cherry on top. The emotions I was feeling today included happiness, gratitude, love, and joy. At the end of my speech I couldn't hold back my emotions, so I cried tears of joy as I gave my mom a hug. I am quite an emotional person lately, my sister thinks maybe it's because I am becoming more spiritually allingned with my higher powers, I don't know. Funny thing, I also cried tears of joy during my speech on my birthday earlier in the year. Today was great, my mom loved everything we did for her. She mentioned in her speech that nothing makes her happier than when her children get along well, are all happy and fulfilled, and the unity that continues to re

Birthday Eve

Hi, welcome to my blog. Today is day 8/365. It's the day before my mom's birthday, and I am quite nervous because I was not able to get her the gift that I knew she really wanted. Preparations are well underway, I am in charge of the food tomorrow. You know you cook good when your family trusts you to be in charge of the birthday meal.  I am looking forward to the day. My mother is growing a year older. Let me not start getting emotional today, I'll save my speech for tomorrow's blog. Let me just say, I feel really blessed to have a mom like her in my life. Even though I didn't always feel like that when I was younger, but now I do more than ever. This is like a second mother's day, but it is my mother's day. I really appreciate this woman. This is it for today's blog. Tired from all the work we did today. Birthdays are a very special occasion in my family, no birthday ever goes uncelebrated in the most loving way possible. Remember to engage, follow, sh


Hi, welcome to my blog. Today is day 7/365. Today is Friday. The last day working day of the week. Today was moderate busy, nothing hectic.  I am still trying to navigate through the blogger app, I am currently blogging on my phone because it is late and the laptop light is going too be too much for my eyes.  I honestly don't have anything to blog about, just that I am grateful to God for this life and all the blessings He gives to us even though we sometimes overlook them and tend to be ungrateful. I thank him for being the God that He is. A faithful and covenant-keeping God. Don't forget to pray, remember to engage, follow, share, and watch out for my next post... I love you, and Jesus loves you more 

Thursady thoughts

Hi, welcome to my blog. Today is day 6/365, and it was a pretty productive day. I would like to share some thoughts with you today. I haven't figured out the niche thing yet, but I still have 359 more days to talk about that.  I would like to share some thoughts on the 75 hard challenge. In my opinion, the challenge works best for males. Because being a woman means I have four different personalities, if not more, that are determined by the point I am in on the menstrual cycle. Apart from my opinion, this doesn't mean women cannot be productive, that is not what I am saying. What I am saying is, certain things on a certain level, belong to certain people. This is not to undermine anyone's ability or capability to try out something new, but make sure before you start. Anyway, I am having an early night today, so I'll leave this here. I think I should try blogging during the day, but what am I going to say because I usually blog about how my day went and any interesting t


Hi, welcome back to my blog. Today is day 5/365. Today was exam preparation day, and my brain is still processing so much information. I attended the class online, which basically informed us about the steps we need to take before writing the actual exams, how to prepare for the exam, and how to navigate through the exam portal. It was very informative and helpful. Exam season is currently underway... In other news, I braided my own hair today.😊😊😊. It is not the best hairstyle, but I love the confidence boost and the progress. I have recently started learning how to work on my own hair, washing, braiding, hair treatments, styling, etc. The journey is amazing, I am falling more and more in love with my hair. I was checking out my AdSense account earlier, and it said that my site doesn't qualify to earn because my content is low quality. I was a bit sad to hear that but it is true in some sense. I don't really add value to people's lives so they want to come back every day

A Okay

Hi, I just noticed that I don't usually say a greeting in the beginning of my blogs, so Hi. Today is day 4/365. Still going strong. It's currently 20 minutes to midnight, and I am blogging on my phone. As embarrassing as it is, I have to confess that I have been scrolling on TikTok for the past 1h30. I guess I forgot how much time goes by when you're on tik tok.  I recently redownloaded TikTok on my phone after not using it for the past 2 months or so. And today I just remembered why I uninstalled it in the first place. Besides the time wasted on TikTok, today was quite a productive day. And I am feeling so much better, I have so much energy like I was never sick. Today I finally got to do the task I was holding off for too many weeks; I finally washed my hair🎉🎉🎉. You have no idea how relieved I am. My scalp feels so fresh and clean. Today was my turn to give the daily devotional. My scripture was from Genesis 6;8. Just one verse, but many lessons to take. Let me quote &


Today is day 3/365. Today was worse than yesterday, today I was officially bedridden. My mom had to literally feed me. My nose was blocked, my breathing was painful, my bones were tired, and I was so drowsy, I could barely keep my eyes open. Today is Monday, what is today's theme ?  I don't remember, my heart is not in the right space now. I thought it was important to blog even though I'm not saying anything valuable, just to keep the 365 challenge going. Whatever I am going through, I know God is here and with me, that's why I will forever shower him with all the praise. Remember to engage, follow, share, and watch out for my next post... I love you, and Jesus loves you more.

Sick Day

Today is day 2/365. Today was not a good day at all. Just when I thought I was getting better, a sneezing bomb hits me. I have been sick the whole day. I couldn't even go to church, I spent the whole day in bed. And my appetite was on 0, my head is spinning, I feel dizzy in my stomach, there's a lot going on. But God is still good, and by his grace, I will be better soon.  Today I was supposed to do my weekly reset and plan the coming week, but I was too weak for that. This means I have to wake up early tomorrow morning. As I already told you, I don't really like medication, but when you are as sick as I am right now, you have to do what has to be done. I am really praying for a productive week.  The weather is crazy outside. This wind sounds like it can uproot a tree, it's very loud. The rain was drizzling a few hours ago, it was cute, I find drizzle to be romantic. Just watch from the window and admire God's creation while I pray in my heart. It's really beaut


  Hello, and happy new month. I am sad to announce that I failed the first attempt of my first-ever timed challenge, fair and square. But I'm only human after all. Yesterday I was so tired, that I passed out while writing the blog on my phone, I was exhausted. I had so much energy during the day. In an attempt to be better than yesterday, I decided to do all the tasks I've been holding off for the past few weeks. I  washed my shoes (about 13 pairs), made lunch, and also made dinner as well. If you saw me, you'd swear I was high on drugs. Today I am back to typing on my laptop. I received my monthly data allowance yesterday. Since I failed the first attempt of the 365-day challenge, I am deciding to restart it. I am restarting the challenge from day 1. Every day when I blog I will indicate in the first paragraph how far the challenge is going. Today day 1/365. This is nice because now I can start the challenge on a brand new month. Let me mention that my mother and my eldest