Thursady thoughts

Hi, welcome to my blog. Today is day 6/365, and it was a pretty productive day. I would like to share some thoughts with you today. I haven't figured out the niche thing yet, but I still have 359 more days to talk about that. 

I would like to share some thoughts on the 75 hard challenge. In my opinion, the challenge works best for males. Because being a woman means I have four different personalities, if not more, that are determined by the point I am in on the menstrual cycle. Apart from my opinion, this doesn't mean women cannot be productive, that is not what I am saying. What I am saying is, certain things on a certain level, belong to certain people. This is not to undermine anyone's ability or capability to try out something new, but make sure before you start.

Anyway, I am having an early night today, so I'll leave this here. I think I should try blogging during the day, but what am I going to say because I usually blog about how my day went and any interesting thoughts, I had throughout the day... Maybe this might be what I need to think out of the box and explore the platform, what's the worst that can happen?

Remember to follow, engage, share, and watch out for my next post...

I love you, and Jesus loves you  more.


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