Happy New Week

Hi, welcome to my blog. Today is day 10/365 of blogging everyday for a year. My life is so boring, I have no idea what I will be blogging about in the next 355 days, but please bear with me, because God is good. 

Remember the things I said I am looking forward to in this new month ?, they're currently stagnant. But I have a small amount of hope that things wiI start moving. I haven't left the house since this month started. It's been quite a while since I stepped out of the house, the idea of it kinda scares me now. 

I am dedicating more time to reading the Bible and spending time with God, and this 'boring' phase in my life is exactly what I need to focus on myself and my relationship with God. As I mentioned some time ago, I am taking a break from social media(Instagram, TikTok, Facebook), for some time. I have made an exception with YouTube, I will only allow myself 3 videos a week max. This break is going to help me reduce external voices and/or influence in my mind. 

I was thinking about the blog, I think of it like being an influencer, but in writing. And instead of the glitz and glam, you read about a real person who is writing about their life and their walk with God. The idea is to get people to read about the struggles of getting things right with God . Also read about my adventures as a student as well. Maybe I don't know how to structure everything yet, but I will learn as the 365 day challenge continues.

 Everyday I show up and just write down what goes through my mind as I navigate through the keyboard, my blogs are not scripted beforehand. Maybe I should consider that, maybe it will help me to structure my blog content in a way that makes sense and provides value to the readers of the blog. The question I ask myself is "What value do I get from reading this blog(assuming I was not the author) ?"  To answer that I would say reading about the real and relatable struggles of following Christ at a young age, and just to read about what a boring life feels like😂😭.

With all the changes that are happening within the blog, for me, the name School and beyond still remains relevant, I don't think this the first time I am mentioning this. I see myself blogging in my office 5+ years from now. This blog also helps me to remember all the good thaot the Lord has done in my life. I am loving this, I am enjoying this. Remember to engage, follow, share, and watch out for my next post...

I love you, and Jesus loves you more.


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