Hello, and happy new month. I am sad to announce that I failed the first attempt of my first-ever timed challenge, fair and square. But I'm only human after all. Yesterday I was so tired, that I passed out while writing the blog on my phone, I was exhausted. I had so much energy during the day. In an attempt to be better than yesterday, I decided to do all the tasks I've been holding off for the past few weeks. I  washed my shoes (about 13 pairs), made lunch, and also made dinner as well. If you saw me, you'd swear I was high on drugs.

Today I am back to typing on my laptop. I received my monthly data allowance yesterday. Since I failed the first attempt of the 365-day challenge, I am deciding to restart it. I am restarting the challenge from day 1. Every day when I blog I will indicate in the first paragraph how far the challenge is going. Today day 1/365. This is nice because now I can start the challenge on a brand new month. Let me mention that my mother and my eldest niece were born in June. My mom's birthday is in a few days and I have no idea what to get her, I still have a few days to figure it out though. 

If you're following the blog, please expect the first and last blog entries of the month to be longer than the usual length. On the first and last day of each month, I am going to be doing some reflection about things that happened in the past month and also things that I look forward to in this new month.

3 lessons I have learned in the month of May:

1. Avoid distractions as much as possible. Every time I feel like scrolling on my phone, I read my bible instead. I have downloaded a women's bible app on the Play Store, it has reading plans available. I have started a 365-day reading plan. this is going to help keep me more accountable in reading my bible and studying the word of God.

2. I am actually good with computers. Most times when my mom needed help with the laptop, I navigated through everything with ease. I have been contemplating registering for a short course in IT, coding, or something in the field. But I honestly might just consider it.

3. I am learning to trust God more. I cannot do this life thing alone. I realised this lesson on the smallest things like praying before I cook, or even do a simple task, it has been very peaceful 

Life is an everyday learning journey. So I can't say I have perfected any of the above-mentioned lessons in the past month.

2 things I would like to do more of in the new month:

1. Go out of the house more often. Believe me when I tell you that the last time I stepped outside the yard was on Wednesday. So I definitely need to go out of the house more often. Take a walk from time to time, visit the library nearby, and climb the mini-mountain close to my house, there are quite a few things to do outside the house.

2. Take better care of my hair. Washing my hair is one task I have been putting off for too long. I would definitely like to wear my afro out often.

2 things I am looking forward to in the new month:

1. My mother's birthday. and my niece's birthday as well

2. Seeing the growth of my blog, and my relationship with God

That's all for now, remember to engage, follow, share, and watch out for my next post.

Remember I love you, and Jesus loves you more


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