Sick Day

Today is day 2/365. Today was not a good day at all. Just when I thought I was getting better, a sneezing bomb hits me. I have been sick the whole day. I couldn't even go to church, I spent the whole day in bed. And my appetite was on 0, my head is spinning, I feel dizzy in my stomach, there's a lot going on. But God is still good, and by his grace, I will be better soon. 

Today I was supposed to do my weekly reset and plan the coming week, but I was too weak for that. This means I have to wake up early tomorrow morning. As I already told you, I don't really like medication, but when you are as sick as I am right now, you have to do what has to be done. I am really praying for a productive week. 

The weather is crazy outside. This wind sounds like it can uproot a tree, it's very loud. The rain was drizzling a few hours ago, it was cute, I find drizzle to be romantic. Just watch from the window and admire God's creation while I pray in my heart. It's really beautiful and calming.

Exam season is currently ongoing, and I hope everyone is ready and relevant. If you are not writing exams, but you know someone who is, buy them an exam care ackage from yours truly, it's not too late. We students actually need them. It is a motivational boost, to show that we have a support structure and that we are loved.

To the students, keep going, the sleepless nights and the tears will all be worth it, sooner than you know. Just say a little prayer, and hold on for a little while longer. Remember to engage, follow, share, and watch out for my next post...

I love yoU, and Jesus loves you.


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