Growth and change

Hi, welcome to my blog.Today is day 20/365 of blogging everyday for a year. If you're new, welcome. And welcome back to the regulars.

Today I would like to express gratitude to God. 2 new members have been added to the Gospel of Grace ministry group and I think that is amazing. Glory be to God. The growth and development of the group is amazing. And God has been so good to us.

There is an observation that I would like to share. I started this blog because I wanted to take my daily journaling from pen and paper to digital, where people can read and share my journey. As a person who has embarked on this journey to follow Christ, my journals should not always be about me, me and me, but instead about the Christ who lives in me.

The serenity of this journey is overwhelmingly great. I am happier. They say that the more time you spend you send with people, the more you learn about them. But the more time you spend with the Lord is the more you will learn about yourself. 

I want to enter into a new era, a disciplined and consistent version of myself. I want to cut all my hair off to symbolise the start of a new era, and I will set rules and habits that I must follow to promote an effecient and productive life system with myself. One important thing I have to prioritise is spending time with God, to know more about my identity in Christ and his will for my life.

Stay blessed. Remember to engage, follow, share, and watch out for my next post...
I love you, and Jesus loves you more.


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