A Okay

Hi, I just noticed that I don't usually say a greeting in the beginning of my blogs, so Hi. Today is day 4/365. Still going strong. It's currently 20 minutes to midnight, and I am blogging on my phone. As embarrassing as it is, I have to confess that I have been scrolling on TikTok for the past 1h30. I guess I forgot how much time goes by when you're on tik tok. 

I recently redownloaded TikTok on my phone after not using it for the past 2 months or so. And today I just remembered why I uninstalled it in the first place. Besides the time wasted on TikTok, today was quite a productive day. And I am feeling so much better, I have so much energy like I was never sick. Today I finally got to do the task I was holding off for too many weeks; I finally washed my hair🎉🎉🎉. You have no idea how relieved I am. My scalp feels so fresh and clean.

Today was my turn to give the daily devotional. My scripture was from Genesis 6;8. Just one verse, but many lessons to take. Let me quote "But Noah found favour in the eyes of the Lord". Let me give you the takeaways in point form : 
1. Noah did not create favour, not did he borrow favour, he Found it...in the eyes of the Lord
2. "...in the eyes of the Lord." Tells us that the Lord was on watch, the Lord was watching the cruelty of the world, but His favour befell Noah

3. Knowing now that the Lord is always watching, do you see yourself deserving of his favour ? Do you live a life that is pleasing to God even when no one is watching ? Reflect on that and let the holy spirit convict you.
Remember to engage, follow, share, and watch out for my next post...
I love you, and Jesus loves you more.


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