Hi, welcome back to my blog. Today is day 5/365. Today was exam preparation day, and my brain is still processing so much information. I attended the class online, which basically informed us about the steps we need to take before writing the actual exams, how to prepare for the exam, and how to navigate through the exam portal. It was very informative and helpful. Exam season is currently underway...

In other news, I braided my own hair today.😊😊😊. It is not the best hairstyle, but I love the confidence boost and the progress. I have recently started learning how to work on my own hair, washing, braiding, hair treatments, styling, etc. The journey is amazing, I am falling more and more in love with my hair.

I was checking out my AdSense account earlier, and it said that my site doesn't qualify to earn because my content is low quality. I was a bit sad to hear that but it is true in some sense. I don't really add value to people's lives so they want to come back every day to check out my blog. I am just starting out, familiarising myself with the fact that I am officially a blogger, even though my blog is not that big.

Now comes the main idea behind the 365-day challenge. I am using this challenge to figure things out, I don't have a specific niche that I fall into, and I think this challenge is going to help me figure stuff like that out. I also want to get myself used to blogging every day. I have been trying out Instagram for the past few weeks, and honestly, I can't keep up. I have decided to give social media a break for some time to focus on my blogging. I really want to focus on one thing at a time. 

What knowledge do I have that I can share on my blog that can be regarded as high quality or valuable content, but still remain relevant with the name 'School and Beyond'? I will have to brainstorm that in my journal during the day tomorrow. But let me just say that I appreciate each and every single one of you who took the time and read my blog. 

I hope someday you will start to engage with me in the comments soon. On that note, remember to follow, engage, share, and watch out for my next post...

I love you, and Jesus loves yo more


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