Due to unforseen circumstances...

Hi, welcome to my blog. Today is day 14 of blogging everyday for a year. I know I am supposed to be continuing the biblical series about the whole armour of God, but something came up.

Let me give you a little context on what happened. My sister went to town today, and I was home alone, preparing notes for the series. Then I got a call from my mom saying that my sister has been mugged and they took her phone. I was shook, and heartbroken. I was worried about her the whole day and my mind could not concentrate on the preparation anymore. She came back home quite late, but when she did, I gave her a tight hug. You know you love someone very much when their pain becomes your pain, or sometimes you feel their pain more than they feel it themselves. 

She is in good health though, just a little traumatised. I thank God that they did not take anything else valuable. I thank God that she is still alive. Even when the situation is unfavourable, we will continue to trust the Almighty God. Let us keep her in our prayers, and the perpetrators as well. May we free our hearts from any grudges, but let the Almighty God deal with them as He sees fit. Remember to engage, follow, share, and watch out for my next post...
I love you, and Jesus loves you more.


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