Being a student/ learner

 What does it mean to be a student? Is it only going to school and sitting in class? Let me tell you what I think. Being a student is about being teachable and willing to learn new things or to learn old things differently. I believe an old dog can be taught new tricks, no one is ever too old to learn anything.

At the end of the day, life is the greatest teacher. So as long as you're still alive, make every day an opportunity to learn something new. There was a point in my life where I felt like everything was going south, I kept asking myself "Why is this happening to me ?" and someone said to me "The question you should be asking is "What can I learn from this ?" That response forever altered my thought pattern and my overall perception of life. This helped me to get out of the victim mindset and actually learn from different situations. The same applies in school if you fail a grade, you will find yourself repeating another year in the same class, with different people. In life, if you don't learn from situations, you'll find yourself repeating the same mistakes over and over again, you'll start feeling stuck, the victim mindset will kick in and you will constantly have something or someone to blame.

The bottom line is if you don't learn, you will not grow. This post is to have someone thinking, "What is the current season of my life teaching me?" Personally, in this season of my life, I am learning to show myself grace to myself and show up. I am learning that not everything is going to start out perfect, and I can't be 100% every day but the most important thing is showing up. I am learning that it's okay to mess up but I shouldn't sit in the mess for too long.

One of the most important aspects of learning is the application, how effectively can you apply the knowledge that you have learned? I think that is one of the factors that sets students and people apart. I believe that the learning process is a compounding process, when new problems arise, you resort to addition and multiplication (see what I did there?) of solutions you used in the past to solve this new problem. In conclusion, here are a few points to think about... Use every day as an opportunity to learn something new. Experience/Life is the best teacher, enjoy the lesson while you still can. Every lock has a key, and every problem has a solution. And lastly, always be a learner, be teachable, and forget to engage, follow, share, and watch out for my next post...

x o x o 

Shibe M


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