Weekly Devotional update

Today is my weekly chance to share a devotional on the Gospel of Grace of Ministry WhatsApp group chat. I felt like the holy spirit was convicting me more that it was getting through to them. I have not been reading my Bible ad frequently as I should. Remember yesterday I was talking about God's will for my life, I am decoding to take a few steps back, listen to God and follow his guidance 

Yesterday I was very excited about taking myself seriously and start posting more often on social media. But I should be concerned about is whether my plans in alignment with God's will for my life. Are they going bring me closer to God, or take me far from him ? 

Today I was reading from Romans chapter 5:1-11. There are a few main points to grab. 1. Faith is our access card to God's grace. 2. God's eace surpasses all human understanding (also see Phillpians 4:7). 3. It's very scarce for someone to die for a righteous person, let alone a sinner. But Jesus died on the cross for everyone, all the sinners and all the saints, salvation is for everyone, you just have to believe. 4. We are born in sin, but we are reconciled with God through the blood of Jesus.

For anyone who may be facing rejection, remember that Jesus thought you were to die for, never forget that. 
Tomorrow it's election day, I am quite nervous to be honest. I still don't know which party I am going to vote for. I guess I'll just let the holy spirit guide my hand... Remember to engage, follow, share, and watch out for my next post...

I love you, but Jesus loves you more.


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