The point

  I have been asking myself recently, what is the point? Why am I doing this this? Why did I push myself to start blogging online?

It took me a lot of courage to finally start blogging online,  and I can't say I regret it. Right now I am glad that I found the courage to do something that I love and carry it through. I am not really doing this for people, but I am doing it for me, even though I have the hope that people will start reading my blog. 

The initial concept of the blog is not tied to one specific niche, I wanted to just write about my life experiences after high school and how being in school has shaped my life. I also wanted to write about my life experiences in general. I have been asking myself what I am going to do with all these books that I keep filling up, I will probably burn them or sell them, they have very interesting and authentic content. Writing helps me to navigate my way forward.

  And I just love writing, I enjoy it, and I am good at it, and I do envision myself being paid to do it at some point in my life. Everyone has to start somewhere, and this is my humble beginning.

One of the fears I had was that what if people don't read my blog? What then? But then, I told myself that I am doing this for me more than for anyone else, this is my brainchild and I would love to see it grow. There are tons of people on the internet who encourage you to find what works for you and do that, and I tried a lot of ideas that people recommended. But nothing was actually working for me.

I have tried things like Instagram and I realised that it is not really my cup of tea, because I literally have nothing to post, nothing, there is nothing aesthetic about my life that I would to share with the world right now. I do have an interest in becoming an influencer someday. 

Writing for me is bliss. A peaceful space. writing is what works for me so that is why I want to put my writing out there. I would like to make a living out of writing, and just get paid to write. This is one of my hopes that someone will see my blog and hire me to write something for them, which is why I am reminding you to engage, follow, and share, and watch out for my next post...

x o x o

Shibe M


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