The most underrated job

 Do you know what the most underrated job is? Being a teacher. We are all teachers somehow, but let's talk about teaching as a profession. No one in the recent generation wants to choose teaching as a profession, I wonder why that is... 

I think the teaching profession is the most underrated, everyone has had a teacher at some point in their life, a teacher from kindergarten, primary school, high school, and tertiary education. In this day and age, many pupils are losing respect for teachers, and their safety is compromised in the workplace.

 Most of the things we know, from reading to writing we have been taught by our teachers. I honestly think teachers around the world are not appreciated enough. They are human beings who decide to share knowledge in a professional setting. What more can be done to show more attention to teachers? In this day and age, the need for teachers has reduced drastically. anyone can literally learn anything from the internet. Some parents decide to not take their kids to traditional schools and prefer to have their kids taught from home. In my country, there is a bill that is still in the early stages of being approved, that almost prevents parents from denying their children formal education. Let's save that story for another day.

Show your teachers more love and the general public around you. Don't forget to follow, engage, and share, and watch out for my next post.

x o x o 

Shibe M


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