Taking myself seriously

There are many people who still ask God, "What is your will for my life?". Today, I was doing the same thing. And there are a few things that came to mind,  that I noticed. One of them being that I don't take myself as seriously as I should. A big part of me is always scared of taking risks and making mistakes. And this causes me to miss out on so many opportunities.

Some time ago I was watching a live on Instagram by Dr Victoria Faith where Grace Mondlana was invited to speak. She said some really valid points. She said "You are exactly where you need to be, and what you have is what you need to get started. Just start." The was a blog post where I mentioned this part. Today I was reflecting on the live in a different light. Grace Mondlana went live a few hours ago, to announce that she is moving to a new apartment. I felt so proud of her. There are so many things to love about her, one being that she is so relatable, she actually feels like an inspiring big sister.

When I checked out her Instagram highlights, I saw some posts that she posted from her res in varsity, her life in varsity, her first events, her humble beginnings, that is what makes her so relatable. That's something I've been thinking about. Few days ago, I posted a carousel on Instagram, and a few travel accounts contacted me. At first I was so excited, but then I realized they were just promotion companies that wanted to feature me on their accounts and wanted me to buy followers. For me, that is ludicrous. I want to build my following. When a follower sees me in  public, I want them to recognize me.  I value authencity over many things. I want to be relatable. 

Grace said that her next masterclass is going to be in July, and I am definitely going to attend. She charged R500 for the previous ones. Whatever her next price is, I am definitely paying for it. I want to start taking myself seriously and open my mind and heart to the opportunities that come my way.

With that being said, I am bracing myself to start posting on Tik Tok, Facebook, and Instagram consistently soon. A wise woman said, "Take a leap of faith, and trust God to catch you if you fall. And that's a very big 'if'." This quote has never made as much sense as it does in this exact moment. Remember to engage, follow, share, and watch out for my next post...

 I love you, but Jesus loves you.


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