Sunday. The seventh day

In the bible, the seventh day symbolises the day of rest. God created the world in 6 days and rested on the seventh day. Today I went to church, it was amazing. Restomg does not mean sleeping the whole and not doing anything. It means not doing any hard labour, or any work that you do during the week.

The day can be used to go to church, praise and give God the glory. Let me tell something one of the pastors said that hit home. He said that a relationship is a two way street, of it's a one way road, then it's not a relationship. Then he proceeded to ask; now that you know the definition of a relationship, do you have a relationship with God ? 

He said that it applies to all relationships, you can't expect someone to always be there to listen to you but you don't make time to hear them out. You can't always be taking from people, that is draining the next person. And constantly being the giver is exhausting in all aspects. You cannot have a relationship with someone if you don't respect and love them. Love is not just a four letter word. Love is what enables you to think about the stranger coming behind you with heavy baggage as you're about to close the door. Love is infinite. It is what allows us to see a neighbour in each and every person and show kindness and a helping hand when needed.

Always be kind. Even when the situation doesn't require it, be kind anyway, but don't allow yourself to be taken for granted. Someone said that if respect is no longer served at the table, leave.Kindness and a helping hand goes a long way. There too many cruel people on the world, be different. That's my thought for today. Don't forget to engage, follow, share,and watch out for my next post...

I love you, but Jesus loves you more.


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