Sunday, rest day

Today is Sunday. The last day of the week. The day to rest and praise God. Today I am blogging on my phone, my laptop does not have internet connection, but I made sure that my phone does, so I can not repeat yesterday's incident.

I have a bad cough, it's been going on for a few weeks now. I am not the type to get sick, but this cough has me on ckokehold, literally. I don't like being being sick, it is not nice. In my family, I'm the one who gets sick the least times in a year. Another thing is that, I am not really a fan of pills and syrups. My sister just recommended that I rub Vicks Vaporub on my throat. I just did, and now I am lying in bed. There is hope, I feel better than I did five minutes ago.

So, my Sunday. Today I didn't go to church. I had many things to do, and thankfully I managed to finish everything. Even it was kinda challenging because I was babysitting, and I was in charge of Sunday dinner. It was amazing, the compliments were rolling, and my family couldn't stop licking their fingers, that's how good the food was. I enjoy cooking for my family. It's one of the things that make me happy. I am looking forward to having my own family so I can also cook for them. 

Today I was watching Our Perfect Wedding reality TV show with my family and it was a very interesting episode. The man was marrying a second wife. The first wife seemed very accepting of the whole situation. The three of them sat together at the reception main table and they looked beautiful. My sister seemed a bit offended by this polygamous wedding. I admired the vision and direction of the husband, he is clear with his intentions. The kids that have altogether are 12, but the husband made it clear that he wants 20 kids. The first wife commented that she is done having kids. I guess this means that she will not mond another wife coming into the marriage. That is really brave. 

The husband invited Musa Mseleku, the most famous polygamist in South Africa, to be a guest speaker at the wedding. The husband did point out that that will definitely be more wives, and he would like Musa Mseleku to be his mentor. He is only 40 years old, he still has a few more years to fulfill that. I honestly think that was a beautiful episode, I loved how peaceful things proceeded, no drama at any point, it was simply beautiful. 

I share this with you because this was honestly the second highlight of my day, after the amazing dinner I prepared. What are your thoughts on polygamy (man with multiple wives) or polyandry (woman with multiple husbands) ? Remember to engage, follow, share and watch out for my next post...

I love you, but Jesus loves you more.


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