School then vs School now

I've been thinking about something today, besides solving for the missing angles of equilateral triangles and parallelograms, what else did I learn that I can apply in my life currently, or anything that can be applied in the real world?

I had this conversation with my sister a few days ago, and she told me that high school was supposed to teach us critical thinking. I am still trying to figure that out. I have read somewhere that the school was actually created to produce employees. By the way things are, that is definitely true. Primary school prepares you for high school, high school prepares you for college, and college prepares you for work. From work, the plan will be to labour every day for minimum wage, wait to retire at 60, and receive your pension fund. 

That's the school curriculum. That's the traditional schooling system in a nutshell. Now we have a new schooling system; the internet and AI. You can now get a job using a certificate you got online, in the comfort of your home. Life has become so easy, people don't have to think anymore, and anyone can just ChatGPT everything. AI is even acting human on our behalf, so we don't have to.

The 4IR is massive. My prediction is that in the next few years, there will be an AI tool for everything. And the line between humans and AI will be almost invisible. this is not in any way a smear campaign against  AI or the 4IR, this is just my unsolicited opinion.

Don't forget to follow, engage, and share, and watch out for my next blog post...

x o x o

Shibe M


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