
The 365 days challenge is really being tested. I currently don't have internet connection right now, so this blog entry will automatically be uploaded when I have connection, and that is going to be at midnight. This means that the entry will have a different date than the one it was written on. I will not let that stop me from posting on my blog, or let me lose out on my own challenge. 

I have been thinking about theme days. I know I said I'll figure out theme days when my blog is bigger , but let me have my moment and play pretend for a second, yeah ? So here are a few ideas I have. Tuesdays I will be sharing the devotional that I share on Gospel of Grace ministry group. Fridays will be for Thursday evening and Friday morning bible sessions with Rorisang catch up and reflection. Wednesdays can be for story of my life moments and maybe personal testimonies or I can ask for advice.

There are still days without themes, but God will make things work. As the blog grows , I will have a day dedicated to sharing people's testimonies that I will be receiving in my emails. Even the small number of readers that are here now, what testimony do you have that you think is worth sharing on the blog ? As soon as people start to comment, I will share my email. For now, I will just keep posting on my blog, and by the mercy and grace of God, my blog will get the recognition it deserves. 

In South Africa, we have national elections coming up in four days time. The stakes have never been higher. I am still on the fence about which party I am going to vote for, because phew... I just pray that whichever party is elected, changes things for the better. Remember to engage, follow,share, and watch out for my next post...

I love you, but Jesus loves you more


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