Procrastination: the enemy of progress

 I used to struggle with procrastination, but it is much better now. It used to be so bad, that I could barely get anything done. Procrastination is truly an enemy to progress. Everyone struggles with procrastination, some people handle it better than others. 

Procrastination is a hard thing to deal with especially when most of your school work is done online, you just think you have time,, but you actually don't. It's easier to get used to a traditional school where you know you must be in class at a specific time. Online classes have me attending classes from the comfort of my bed. But the sad part is that I have to redo all the work from the class, which is double the work.

I am learning that, if you have the chance to do something now, do it now and don't save it for later, because it might be too swamped. This happens to me often, sometimes I plan to do something but when the time to do it comes for me to do that particular task, I find myself too comfortable and then save it for later, and when later comes, I have other tasks that I have to do in that timeframe, now I start to feel Under so much pressure from something I could've done earlier.

I am handling it better. I am setting clear and SMART goals to help me with procrastination. And I also romanticize my life a lot more to avoid procrastinating. This makes me feel excited to do boring tasks. Another tip on handling procrastination is eating the frog, getting the bigger and more important tasks out of the way first, and then you can follow along with the smaller tasks. Whatever project you want to start, don't overthink it, just start, and don't forget to engage, follow, and share, and watch out for my next post

x o x o 

Shibe M


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