My latest IG dm

Today was bible study, but I couldn't join because I didn't have internet connection. This means the earliest I can watch it is on Saturday, when I have internet connection. 

Yesterday's entry did not do any justice, so I thought I should write today's blog about yesterday's theme. I wrote yesterday's blog entry literally 16 minutes before midnight. I am really keeping up and making sure that I keep showing up for myself.

My latest IG DM. Few days ago, someone like my posts and sent me a follow. I noticed something that made me think that we may have gone to the same high school. I asked him who he was and he told me his name. Let's call him D. D has a private account. I asked him to send a picture maybe it'll spark a memory. He said I should check it out in  his highlights, so I followed him back. And I recognized him. He was a grade behind me in high school.

He started with small chit chat and it was kind of boring to be honest. So I asked him where he got the sudden interest to send me a DM. His answer was hilarious. He said God sent him to check out if I am the one or not. So I asked him "And?", his response was a big turn off and red flag at the same time. He said that the ball is in my court, his response drained me in a second.

I immediately decided not to entertaining him for another second. Let me share why. Ever since I have been intentional with my walk and relationship with Christ, I am beginning to realize my worth. I am willing to be single for a long as God wants me to be. I am not saying that I am not open to dating or something of that sort, I don't want to waste my time with lukewarm boys who use God's name in vain. 

I pray to God for a man who can take the lead and let me follow with ease, not someone to say "the ball is in your court". This is something similar to the "What do you bring to the table?" type of questions. If I had entertained him any further, it was definitely going to get there. I am gradually learning to not lower or compromise my standards and boundaries for anyone. 

I guess that is a lesson for today, I know it can get lonely sometimes, instead of seeking validation from other people, work on yourself and raise your standards. Speaking of which, I would like to invite you on a journey to better myself. I will start on the 1st of June. Let me think this through and I will give y'all an update about the process. Remember to engage, follow, share, and watch out for my next post...

I love you, but Jesus loves you more.


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