Love your neighbour as you love yourself

Today is Thursday. And Thursday is reserved for bible study live sessions on IG with JesusThis Jesus That and Rorisang Thandekiso.  I've been following this tradition for the past few months and it has been amazing. Rorisang motivates me to love Jesus proudly and loudly. That is one of my reasons for switching things up on my blog.

The scripture for today is from Luke 10: 25-37, The Parable of the good Samaritan. We read about the parable that Jesus tells when asked; "who is my neighbour?" Jesus tells the parable about a Samaritan man who comes across a man who was half-dead, beaten to a pulp, and stripped of everything he had. The Samaritan helped the man, covered his wounds, and cleaned him up. He took the wounded man, put him on a donkey, helped him into an inn, and paid the bill. Before the Samaritan came across the half-dead man, there was a priest who saw the man but passed by on the other side of the road. After him, a Levite saw the man and he also passed by on the other side of the road. But the Samaritan is the only one who shows compassion towards the half-dead man.

After telling the parable, Jesus asked the person who asked the question; "which of these three, do you think proved to be a neighbour to the man who fell among the robbers?' and the man replied "The one who showed him mercy". Then Jesus said; "You go, and do likewise". 

 A lesson we get from this parable is that compassion is not conditional or optional. And sometimes we feel inconvenienced to be compassionate to show compassion. The priest and the Levite felt inconvenienced to show compassion and they walked on the other side of the road, they chose to turn a blind eye to another man's suffering. But the Samaritan man gave up all that he was doing and helped a man in his suffering. He dropped all that he was doing, he canceled his plans to show compassion to someone who needed it. 

Another lesson we can get from this parable is your neighbour is not only the person who lives in the house next to yours. A neighbour can be anyone at any time, and you have to love them as you love yourself. I really enjoyed today's bible study, if you're reading this, please join us tomorrow at 6am SAST/CAT, and also next week at 7 pm SAST/CAT. 

Don't forget to engage, follow, share, and watch out for my next post.
Remember that I love you, But Jesus loves you more.


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