How is your Friday looking ?

 My Friday was rainbow-themed, with all sorts of ups and downs. By the grace of God, I am here. I had two assessments due today, and I thank God that I was able to submit both of them on time. The first was due at 3pm and the second was due at 9pm.

An unexpected trip came up, I had to travel with my mom, my sister, and my niece. My niece is a little bit under the weather, she is vomiting, and it's gross. She is 21 months old. My mom and sister are handling the situation, because I know if I go there, I will be induced to vomit as well, and that's going to be very messy. I had the feeling to pray for her, and I did. 

This reminds me of the one day I went to the clinic to fetch my grandmother's medication. I came across this young girl who had a swollen foot, and she was limping. An old lady saw her and she decided to pray for the young girl, her prayer was so loud that the nurses and the other patients were staring, but she didn't seem to care. She was praying for too long, I left before she finished praying. I don't know what happened to the young girl, but I am sure she received healing. I love how loud and proud the old lady proclaimed the power of Jesus so the young girl could receive healing.

It's not every day that you come across people who genuinely pray for strangers or people they don't know. But, from yesterday's bible study lesson, she was a good neighbour. Another thing that I love about the bible study live is that Rorisang encourages us to pick a random name on the live and pray for that person. She encourages us to pray for one another. And she encourages us to send encouraging and uplifting messages in the DMs. 

I hope everyone reading the blog will make time to join bible study next Thursday at 7pm CAT. Don't forget to engage, follow, share, and watch out for my next post.

I love you, but Jesus loves you more.


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