Friendships and peer pressure

Unconscious peer pressure is so real in varsity. No one can actually avoid it. Everything we do in our daily lives, we have learned or adopted from somewhere, whether good or bad. We do things a certain way because our primary guardians used to do them like that. Now I'm in varsity and I don't know anybody.

It was hard to move away from everything I was used to, my family, my friends, my dog, and my room. But it is a part of growing up, everyone has to pass through this stage. As much as we wish we could stay in our houses forever, we can't, We must go out and meet new people, and make new friends. One of the sad things about my life is that I am an honest, genuine, and sincere person, I am an amazing friend but it is unfortunate that I don't find people who reciprocate that, but rather I find people who take me for granted. 

My number one love language is gift-giving. If I love you, I will shower you with gifts on no special occasion. My family can be witnesses to this. I value genuine friendship with no ulterior motives of hidden agendas. Coming to varsity has put me on the 'every man for himself' mindset because you never really know someone's true intentions. This does not mean I always have a mean face on, but it just means that I am careful and cautious of the people I have in my company, I will share how I learned this lesson the hard way later on in the blog, and hope you will catch on. 

There are too many cruel people in this world, be different. Don't forget to engage, follow and share, and watch out for my next post...

x o x o 
Shibe M



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