Following Christ is not for the faint-hearted

Choosing to live is not easy but very rewarding in the long term. My journey with Christ has not been the easiest. There were times I found myself falling into sin, and later feeling too ashamed to go back to the father and ask for forgiveness.  But I realise now that that was the enemy planting thoughts in my head to stay away from Jesus.

Sometimes, choosing to do the right thing might hurt your flesh for now, but your spirit will be eternally grateful. I am at a point in my faith where I try to keep as close to God as possible. I am actively in pursuit of an intimate relationship with him. And I want to centre our relationship around the right things. The last time I thought I was ready for the real world, I found myself in situations I would have never thought I would find myself in. Even to this day, I'm still in awe of what happened. The wound is still fresh, so it will be a testimony for another day. God has been so good to me that I think I might have one day in the week on my blog for testimonies. I will do that when I have a few people engaging with the blog, to encourage people to share testimonies on the blog to build and motivate each other, probably in a few months, God willing...

The main point is, choosing to follow Christ sometimes comes with a lot of heartbreak that is actually, meant to save us. Following Christ requires us not to lose heart and to be courageous in our faith. For God did not give us the spirit of fear but the spirit of love and self-control. And we should remember that the enemy is cautious of any idling moment you spend away from God. 

On that note, I would encourage that we try to stay as close to God as possible, for He is our refuge and we will always be safe under His protection. And the closer we are to Him, enables us to know His will for our lives and minimise the heartbreaks. Don't forget to follow, engage, share, and watch out for my next post...

I love you, but Jesus loves you more.


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