Bible study catch up

The hectic day I had gave me multiple reasons not to blog today, but the grace grace of God, and the 365 days challenge, I am here.

Today was an unexpectedly hectic day, I felt like I was not in control of anything except my temper. I'm glad the day is over and I can finally rest. Today I woke up so early, I missed the morning prayer session at 6am, but I saved the live in my collections, I will definitely watch it as soon as I get a chance.

The main point of today's blog is showing up, even if I don't have thousands of readers (yet), I will continue to show up everyday until my blog reaches over a million readers and even beyond that. Yes I am thinking that ahead. I choose to decree and declare positivity about my blog.A small girl with a big God, that will forever be my everyday testimony. My God is bigger than any situation. I serve a miracle working God. 

Yesterday at bible study, we were reading Matthew 4:18-22. This is the scripture where Jesus called his first disciples. The title was "Come,follow me". In the scripture we read that when Jesus called Peter and Andrew, they were casting their nets, but they left what they were doing and followed Jesus. They honored Jesus' invitation. They didn't say they were still busy and  they didn't give 13 reasons why they couldn't follow him. Then Jesus saw another pair of brothers, James and John, and he called them. They left their father, and followed Jesus. 

Why do we not do the same ? Why do we always have excuses when Jesus calls us ? The holy spirit has really been convicting me with this one, because sometimes I would get the urge to read my bible, but I would put it in front of me, and end up playing candy crush instead, then another task comes then I sometimes end up not reading it. This is quite a shameful confession, but now that I have been convicted, I have to work on doing better. 

Jesus is calling you and I, he is inviting us, he is giving us access, he is giving us direction, are we going to answer the call ? Remember to engage, follow, share and watch out for my next post...

I love you, but Jesus loves you more.


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