
Is there a specific age for when adulthood begins? What exactly is adulting? Does it refer to the age of an adult or is it doing adult things regardless of your age? 

Adulting is one stage that everyone has to go through in life. At some point in our lives, we were all infants and didn't know anything. A few decades later we are responsible for the growth of the infants now. A few decades later, they will have to do the same, and the cycle continues. 

What is expected from someone who is an 'adult'? In this day and age, the lines between kids and adults have become extremely blurred following the rise in child-led households around the world. Child-led households mean that the parents have left the family for unknown reasons and now the kids have to fend for themselves. Situations like these tend to put more pressure on the eldest children, where they now have to assume the role of the adult in the family.

Now the eldest children are forced into adulthood prematurely. I had an older friend in high school who used to tell me "Don't grow up, it's a trap", I would laugh every time he said that, but now I find myself at the mercy of life's inevitable trap. I lived with my parents my whole life and nothing ever prepared me for the transition of going to varsity. That's when I realised, I'm and adult, what now ?

The school of life requires more sense of awareness because nothing ever really prepares you for the next steps in life. You just have to learn from other adults, but the catch is, you have to choose the right ones you want to learn from. That is not easy at all, everyone may seem to have their whole lives figured out on social media but it's usually the opposite behind the scenes.

What I can say about adulting is that, enjoy your childhood while you still can. Don't rush to grow up, it's a trap that you will be trapped in until you die. The funny thing is that the older you get, people think you're the better adult because you have more experience in life. At whichever stage of your life you are in right now, take a few seconds in your day, breathe, and take what you can, because you will never go back to that moment again. 

Even when everything feels like a mess, you're doing okay, you're alive, and this means you still have a chance to make things right. Be grateful for the pace and you will appreciate the journey more. Just as every house has a leak, every adult has their portion of life, no one is perfect. Don't compare yourself or your journey with others, enjoy life as it comes. Don't forget to engage, follow and share, and watch out for my next post...

x o x o
Shibe M


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