

New beginning

Hi, welcome to my blog. Today is day 29/365 of blogging everyday for a year. If you're new, welcome. And welcome back to the regulars. Today marks a new beginning for me. I finally cut my hair today. I am really happy. I look so beautiful. I feel a transformation. I feel that God has begun some work in me and this day is the beginning. There are many ways to have a new beginning. Today in the Gospel of Grace ministry group we were having a discussion about letting go and making room for new things to come into your space and your heart.  A new beginning doesn't have to be a huge thing, just letting of something that no longer serves you and make room for more, maybe even better things in your life. Today I let go of my huge afro hair, for a clean fresh start. What do you think you have to let go of ? Remember to engage, follow, share, and watch out for my next post... I love you, and Jesus loves you more

Heaven rejoice

Hi, welcome to my blog. Today is day 28/365 of blogging everyday for a year. If you're new, welcome. And welcome back to the regulars. Today is a day where the phrase "All things work out for those who love the Lord" was in practice. Today I had to go to the bank to sort out a few things. When I arrived at the bank, it was closed. I had forgotten that banks usually close earlier on Fridays. I thought I had wasted my time on this trip. But God had a different plan in mind. On the bus, I met this gentleman by the name of Charles. Charles and I met on the bus and started talking. He told me about his traumatic childhood and I was there to assure him that Jesus loves him. I won't get into further details about my conversation with Charles, but I do want to encourage you that, everytime you get a chance to tell people about God, don't miss it. I am proud of the feeling that I may have saved a soul today, heaven is rejoicing. I thought of something when I got home. Heal

Jesus loves you

Hi, welcome to my blog. Today is day 27/365 of blogging everyday for a year. If you're new, welcome. And welcome back to the regulars. Today is a clocking in blog entry. It's currently 10 minutes to midnight. I just wanted to clock in and tell you that Jesus loves you, and he wants you to cast all your burdens unto him because he cares. Nothing is too big or too small to bring to Jesus. Remember to engage, follow, share, and watch out for my next post... I love you, and Jesus loves you more.